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How to get cheaper car insurance

We all like to make savings where we can, especially after the difficult year we have had.

At the AA, our customers are central to everything we do so we wanted to share our top tips for getting cheaper car insurance.


Tips for cheaper car insurance


Use a car insurance broker to shop around

If it’s time to renew your car insurance and you’re looking for a cheaper quote, it really can pay to shop around.  As one of Ireland’s largest personal insurance brokers, can help make this process a lot easier for you. When you call us or request a car insurance quote through our website, we’ll search our panel of four AA approved car insurance providers for you so you can get the best deal on your car insurance.

Compare car insurance carefully

These days the cost of accident repairs and personal injury claims is pushing car insurance premiums up.  A trend you’ve no doubt noticed if you’re shopping around for a new quote.  Despite this, to your advantage, car insurance remains a competitive market as car insurance providers compete for your business.  This results in premium price rises being kept in check.

To offer cheap car insurance premiums, some insurers are cutting down on key policy benefits.  With this in mind, it’s important to compare like with like when reviewing different car insurance policies.

Car insurance benefits

It’s important to consider the benefits offered rather than solely the premium price.  Policy benefits can make a real difference to your peace of mind.  Ask yourself for example, does the policy provide a courtesy car while yours is being repaired?  Does the policy cover you to drive in Europe?  Or does it help with the recovery of uninsured losses following an accident? Once you’ve considered the benefits a policy offers, always check the compulsory excesses before accepting a quote.

Your driving impacts car insurance

While it pays to shop around for cheap car insurance, there are things you can do to reduce the cost of your current car insurance premium.  Thinking about how you drive can help.

  • Reduce your annual mileage: are you driving less recently? If you don’t intend to increase driving don’t forget to reduce your annual mileage when you are getting a car insurance quote.
  • Avoid penalty points: Drivers with penalty points on their driving license will reduce the number of car insurers willing to offer them a quote thus reducing their ability to shop around.  This is particularly true if you have 6 penalty points or more on your driving license.
  • Limit the drivers on your policy – Limiting the drivers on the policy to yourself only or you and your spouse usually means a cheaper car insurance premium.
  • A secure car can reduce insurance costs
  • If you can avoid it, don’t park your car on the street at night. Park your car on a driveway or in a locked garage if possible. The extra security this affords could reduce your car insurance premium.
  • Improving the security of your motor vehicle can also help towards reducing your car insurance premium. Insurance companies can advise on which security devices will bring a discount. Tracking devices and immobilizers are likely to attract the best discounts.

Cheaper car insurance for older drivers

If you’re approaching retirement and looking forward to putting the daily drive to work behind you, there’s more good news. Once you retire you’ll be able to tell your insurer about a significant reduction in your annual mileage, which could bring a reduction in your premium.

Parents and Younger Drivers

If you’re a parent with teenage children who are learning to drive, it’s worth encouraging them to buy their own car and take out young driver car insurance. This will help them towards their own no-claims discount and cheaper car insurance in the long run. If you are thinking about getting your son or daughter insured as an additional driver of your car, it’s worth bearing in mind that if they have an accident your no-claims bonus will be affected.

Paying a voluntary excess for cover

Finally, consider how much you’d be prepared to pay out if you have to make a claim. If you can afford to pay another €200 or €300 as a voluntary excess your annual premium costs may come down.