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Irish Fuel Prices: July 2024

Petrol Diesel
Pump price 179.95c 173.62c
Price before taxes are added 79.71c 83.35c
Breakdown of taxes x 5:
1. Excise* 50.93c 40.13c
2. Nora** 1.90c 1.88c
3. Carbon Tax 12.96c 14.99c
4. Better Energy 0.80c 0.80c
5. VAT (23%) 33.65c 32.47c
Total taxes (c) 100.24c 90.27c
Tax as % 56% 52%

Click here for historical Irish fuel prices (PDF)

* Excise is a duty that is added to the sale of mineral oils, cigarettes and alcohol. It is a fixed amount which is charged per litre and hence does not change as the price fluctuates. Carbon Tax is effectively the same although it is calculated per ton of CO2 generated. It works in precisely the same way as excise duty and really has nothing to do with carbon, and in fact data from Revenue normally lists Excise Duty and Carbon Tax together as one total.

** National Oil Reserves Agency (NORA) is a tax that is added to all oil fuels to ensure that Ireland meets its EU obligations of keeping a 90 day stock of oil in the event of a shortage.

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