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Remuneration Statement

Insurance intermediaries such as AA Ireland, must make available on their website, a summary of the details of their remuneration arrangements with insurance underwriters, as outlined within provision 4.58A of the Central Bank of Ireland’s (CBI) September 2019 Addendum to the Consumer Protection Code.

Remuneration is the payment earned by AA Ireland for the work performed on behalf of both the insurance underwriter and the consumer. The amount of remuneration AA Ireland earn is related to the value of the products sold and includes ‘Commission and Fees/Charges’.

Please note that AA Ireland will always seek to ensure that the insurance products that we offer to you, will be the most suitable product for your needs (having regard to the facts disclosed by you and other relevant facts of which AA Ireland is aware) irrespective of the remuneration arrangements AA Ireland has agreed with its insurance underwriters.

Remuneration Rates


Insurer Commission* Additional Commission Support Costs Profit Share
AXA Up to 5% 3% No Yes
Aviva Up to 5% No No Yes
Allianz Up to 5% 1.5% No Yes
RSA Up to 5% 0.75% €400,000 No
Liberty Up to 5% No No No
Zurich Up to 5% No €120,000 No
KennCo Up to 0.01% No No No



Motor Transaction Charge
Policy Set Up Charge Up to €200
AA Renewal Fee Up to €200
Mid-term adjustment Up to €75
Cancellation Up to €75
Unpaid Direct Debit Up to €35
Unpaid Cheque Up to €10
Duplicate Documents Up to €25
Direct Debit Service Charge 10.72% for new business policies
9.74% for renewal policies

Insurer Commission Profit Share Marketing Costs
AXA Up to 10% No No
Aviva Up to 10% No No
Allianz Up to 10% No No
Zurich Up to 5% No No
Ornella Up to 5% No No
Wrightway Up to 5% No No
Liberty Up to 10% No No


Insurer Commission Profit Share Marketing Costs
Aviva Up to 25% Yes No
RSA Up to 24% No No
Liberty Up to 25% No No
Allianz Up to 15% No No
AXA Up to 20% No No



Home Transaction Charge
Policy Set Up Charge Up to €200
AA Renewal Fee Up to €200
Mid-term adjustment Up to €75
Cancellation Up to €75
Unpaid Direct Debit Up to €30
Unpaid Cheque Up to €10
Duplicate Documents Up to €25
Direct Debit Service Charge 10.72% for new business policies
9.74% for renewal policies


Insurer Commission Profit Share Marketing Costs
Inter Partner Assistance SA Up to 100% Yes €150,000



Travel Transaction Charge
Policy Set Up Charge Up to €100
AA Renewal Fee Up to €100
Cancellation Up to €75
Duplicate Documents Up to €25

Insurer Commission Profit Share Marketing Costs
Inter Partner Assistance SA No No No

*AA Home Emergency Rescue is included in all AA Home Insurance policies that are purchased or renewed on/after May 1st 2023.

Insurer Commission Profit Share Marketing Costs
Aviva Life & Pensions Ireland DAC Year 1: Up to 140%
Years 2 – 5: 20%
Renewals: 3%
No No
Royal London Year 1:110%
Year 2+: 10%
No No


Membership Transaction Charge
Membership Administrative Charge Up to €30
Membership Installment Fee Up to €30
Cancellation Up to €30
Unpaid Direct Debit Up to €15

Insurer Commission Profit Share Marketing Costs
Inter Partner Assistance S.A. No Yes No
Amtrust International Underwriters DAC No Yes No

Insurer Commission Profit Share Marketing Costs
Inter Partner Assistance S.A. No Yes No

Insurer Commission Profit Share Marketing Costs
Amtrust International Underwriters DAC Mark-up of up to €20 Yes No
White Horse Insurance Ireland DAC Mark-up of up to €20 Yes No

Insurer Commission Profit Share Marketing Costs
Amtrust International Underwriters DAC Mark-up of up to €20 Yes No
White Horse Insurance Ireland DAC Mark-up of up to €20 Yes No

Product Insurer Commission Profit Share
Warranty Gold AXA from 20% to 46% No
Warranty Platinum AXA from -1% to 43% No


Commission: This is a payment earned by AA Ireland when it sells an insurance policy on behalf of an insurance underwriter. Commission payments are based on a percentage of the insurance premium. For example, if the total insurance premium paid by a customer is €500 and AA Ireland’s commission is 5%, the AA Ireland receives €25 in commission for the sale of that policy. The commission rates earned by AA Ireland are set out in the accompanying tables below.

Fees/Charges: In addition to earning commission AA Ireland may also apply Fees/Charges for its services. The fees/charges applied by AA Ireland are set out in the accompanying tables below.

Profit Share: Where this field is populated as ‘Yes’ in the accompanying tables, it means that AA Ireland is a party to a profit-share arrangement with a product provider and AA Ireland will earn additional payment from the insurer if agreed profit targets are achieved. Note: Any business arranged with these product providers on a customer’s behalf will be placed with the product provider because that product provider is at the time of placement, the most suitable to meet the customer’s requirements, taking all the customer’s relevant information, demands and needs into account.

Marketing Costs: Where this field is populated as ‘Yes’ in the accompanying tables, it means that AA Ireland is a party to an arrangement whereby AA Ireland receives payment form the insurer towards marketing/advertising expenditure.

Direct Debit Service Charge: This fee applies if you choose to pay your premium by monthly instalments. The date and the amount of each instalment payment will be set out in your policy documents on the ‘Schedule of Payments’ page.