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Spooky Season: Avoiding Car Horrors

Published 14th October 2022Read Time 5 min

It’s that time of year when the nights are getting shorter, headlights are coming on earlier & there’s a chill in the air.

In the lead-up to Halloween, what better time than now to look at some scary car horrors on our roads? Let’s look at some classic spooky stories you can encounter when on the road & what you can do to make sure you’re staying safe.

The Lonely Stretch of Road on a Dark Night

The rain is coming down & the wind is howling. There’s nary a soul in sight, and you’re standing on the side of the road with the hazards on. You’re dreading the idea of waiting in the rain for a tow truck to come along and spending the next few hours in an unfamiliar setting while your car is out of action lugging behind.

While you’re waiting (and doing so safely from the side of the road), you see the glorious yellow and black coming from the horizon and know that it’s got your back. Your knight in shining armour/ reflective jacket gets the car back in action, and you’re back on the road before you know it! It’s a lucky thing you had an AA membership to avoid a scary night!

(By the way, if you are reading this and wouldn’t know what to do if your car breaks down on a road or motorway, please take a minute to read this blog post on the topic)

The Case of the Knocking Car

You’ve just filled up the car and grabbed yourself a wee snack for the drive up the road. As you’re trying to enjoy the scenery and possibly belt out a tune or two from the radio, you think you hear the sound of knocking somewhere.

As you keep driving and getting faster, the knocking gets more frequent. Suddenly, you realise the knocking is coming from inside the car! The engine warning light comes on and you’re not sure what is happening. You discover the scary truth that you put the wrong fuel in the car.

Before you feel a rush of embarrassment, remember that this happens to more people than you think. You always remember that AA Fuel Assist might be able to come out, drain the car and get it going again without issue.

A Foreign Land & A Lost Language

On a sunny coastal drive in Spain, or possibly Italy, or even Greece, the long & winding roads give the family the chance to see the incredible views that had everyone feeling like they’re a million miles away from home in the best way possible.

Then it happened. The dashboard lights started blinking, and the car was pulled over. The family had no idea where they were, and they couldn’t see a soul in sight. After a while, a stranger pulled up to offer help, but the language barrier was just too much, and the family suddenly felt lost!

That was until someone said the magic words, “We have European breakdown cover. Let’s just phone the number”. And even though dad begrudgingly didn’t want to know how much the call would cost, the call connected, and the family were through to the 24-hour English-speaking helpline.
A quick call was all it took. As the family sat by the side of the road to watch the sunset, they knew that someone was coming to repair or tow the car, and emergency accommodation would be covered if they need to make a detour for the night.

Spooked out by the car horrors? The AA can help

Although they all had happy endings, we think that’s enough scary stories for one day. If you ever need help with car trouble when on the road, call The AA today. And if you’re looking to keep your car in tip-top shape, read our post on 12 Vital Checks To Get Your Car Winter Ready.