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AA Home Insurance

New Home, New Insurance: A Beginner's Guide to Get Home Insurance in Ireland

Published 16th April 2024Read Time 10 min

Excited about your new Irish home? Don’t let insurance dampen your joy. This beginner’s guide simplifies the basics, with tips to navigate essential coverages, local considerations, and simple steps to get the right policy. We’ll briefly cover key insurance types like buildings and contents, extras like flood or subsidence, and things unique to Ireland. You’ll get actionable steps to compare quotes, choose the best value, and protect your new nest. Let’s start with the key question: what insurance do you need when buying a house in Ireland? Read on for a checklist to make it stress-free.

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Getting Started: Key Types of Home Insurance in Ireland

Excited about your new home? Don’t forget the insurance! As a homeowner, you’ll want to protect your investment. In Ireland, the two main types are buildings and contents insurance.

Buildings Insurance

This covers the structure of your home, like the roof, walls, and permanent fixtures. It protects against damage from events like fires, floods, or subsidence. Nearly all mortgage lenders require buildings insurance, so make it a top priority.

Contents Insurance

Covers your personal belongings inside the home, like furniture, electronics, clothing, and valuables. While not legally required, it gives you peace of mind in case of theft, damage, or loss. Consider a policy that covers the full replacement cost of your contents. Learn more about content insurance.

Landlord Insurance

Landlord insurance covers damage to the building and belongs if you rent out all or part of your home. It often includes:

  • Liability coverage in case a renter is injured on your property
  • Coverage for lost rental income if the home is uninhabitable
  • Damage from tenant negligence beyond normal wear and tear

If you plan to rent out any part of your Irish home, landlord insurance is essential. It protects your investment and limits your financial risk. Shop around for quotes tailored to landlords to get the best value.

Holiday Home Insurance

  • Holiday home insurance covers properties not used as primary residences. It protects the building and contents during long absences.
  • Coverage includes liability for injuries, damage while unoccupied, replacement cost for contents and lost rental income.
  • Increase liability limits since multiple parties may use the property. Opt for higher limits on valuable contents.
  • Insurers consider irregular occupancy higher risk, so rates may be slightly higher. However, coverage provides valuable protection and peace of mind.

Some insurers offer combined buildings and contents policies for convenience. You may also want add-ons like accidental damage cover for expensive items like jewellery or artwork.

Now you’re ready to get home insurance quotes. Compare policies and prices on sites like AA Home Insurance or through a local broker. Look for competitive rates, the coverage you need, and a reputable company. Once you choose a policy, you’re all set to protect your new Irish home. Congrats!

With the appropriate home insurance quote in place, you can now relax and enjoy your new home insurance in Ireland.

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Comparing Quotes: How to Get the Best Home Insurance Deal

  • Excited to move into your new place? Don’t forget one of the most important steps: getting home insurance. Comparing quotes from different companies is the best way to find a policy that gives you the coverage you need at a price you can afford.
  • First, determine what kinds of coverage you need. Do you want buildings insurance to protect the physical structure of your home as well as contents insurance for your belongings inside? Or maybe you only need contents coverage if you’re renting. Think about any pricey items like electronics or jewellery that you want to insure for their full value.
  • Next, gather quotes from multiple insurers. Check comparison websites that let you enter your details once and receive quotes from various companies. You can also contact local brokers in your area or get quotes directly from insurers like AA Home Insurance. Make sure the quotes are for comparable coverage so you’re comparing apples to apples.
  • Finally, compare the quotes and choose the best value. Look at factors like price, coverage limits, exclusions, and customer reviews. See if you can get a discount for purchasing multiple polices, such as combining home an car insurance. And make sure you understand the policy details before signing on the dotted line!
  • Following these steps will ensure you get the home insurance coverage you need at a competitive price. Do your research, compare carefully, and you’ll be settling into your new home with peace of mind knowing you have the protection you need.

Local Considerations: Insuring Your Irish Holiday Home

Excited to escape to your new Irish holiday home? Make sure you have the right insurance to protect your investment. Home insurance in Ireland, while similar to other countries, has some important local considerations.

Cover Natural Disasters

Being an island, Ireland experiences severe weather like floods, storms and snow. Ensure your policy covers damage from natural disasters, especially flooding and wind damage which can cause costly repairs. The good news is providers like AA Home Insurance include emergency home cover for issues like burst pipes or electrical fires to get you back in your home quickly.

Consider Rural Locations

If your home is in a rural or remote area, make sure you understand how this impacts your coverage and premiums. More isolated homes often pay higher premiums due to increased risks. Check if security measures like alarms can offset costs. Also check if you need specific coverage for septic tanks, private wells or outbuildings.

Compare No-Claims Discounts

Just like car insurance, home insurance in Ireland offers no-claims discounts for customers who don’t make claims. Make sure you understand how making a claim will impact your discount and premiums to avoid surprises.

Additional Covers to Consider

For complete peace of mind, consider additional covers like accidental damage, valuables insurance for expensive items, and liability insurance. Accidental damage pays for unforeseen incidents like a burst waterbed. Valuables insurance protects high-value items from theft or damage. And liability insurance protects you if someone is injured at your property.

Getting the right home insurance for your Irish holiday home doesn’t have to be complicated. Compare quotes from top providers like AA Home Insurance, check for discounts you may qualify for, and consider any local risks to ensure you have the coverage you need. With the scenic Irish countryside as your backyard, you’ll be enjoying your new escape in no time!

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Next Steps: Where to Get a Home Insurance Quote in Ireland


Compare home insurance quotes online

Excited about your new home? Don’t forget the insurance!

Comparing home insurance quotes online is an easy first step. You’ll enter details about your property like the type of home, year built, and rebuild cost. The quotes returned will show the premiums and coverage options for buildings, contents, or combined insurance.

Talk to a broker

For more complex situations or if you prefer personal service, consider contacting an insurance broker. Brokers providers to find a customized policy for your needs. A broker can walk you through different policies, coverage types, and recommend a plan suited to your budget and risk level. They handle the application process for you as well.

Consider add-ons

In addition to basic buildings and contents coverage, consider useful add-ons like accidental damage, valuables, home emergency assistance, and legal expenses insurance. Accidental damage covers unintentional damage to your home or contents. Valuables insurance protects high-value items like jewellery, art, and collectibles. Home emergency assistance pays for emergency costs like plumbing or electrical repairs. Legal expenses insurance helps pay legal fees for property-related disputes.

Choose and apply

Once you’ve compared quotes and selected a provider, you’re ready to apply for your policy. Have details about your property, contents, and coverage needs on hand. Pay close attention to policy limits, exclusions, and your responsibilities to fully understand what is and isn’t covered. Ask any last questions you may have before purchasing your policy.

With some research and patience finding home insurance for your new place in Ireland can be straightforward. Get started now and you’ll have peace of mind that your most valuable asset is protected. Let the new home adventure begin!

You did it! You’re a new homeowner in Ireland. What an exciting time. But don’t get too caught up in paint colours and furniture plans yet. Protecting your new investment is a crucial first step. Get quotes from multiple providers, compare options, and choose a policy that fits your needs. With the right home insurance in place, you can relax and focus on turning your house into a home. This is just the beginning of an amazing new chapter. Enjoy the journey!