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New Year New Me: Protecting Those New Year's Resolutions New Year New Me: Protecting Those New Year's Resolutions

AA News

New Year New Me: Protecting Those New Year's Resolutions

Published 4th January 2023Read Time 4 min

Maybe you've spent the last week and a bit tucked up at home, snuggled on the sofa, making it your mission to get through every single bit of chocolate within eyeshot. Or maybe you've been endlessly refreshing your banking app wondering why December was so expensive?

As the Christmas season comes to a close and new calendars go up in hallways across the country, most conversations will inevitably turn to chats around New Year's resolutions. For most people, that means another stab at the same old changes that don't stick.

One of the top resolutions Irish people make every year (according to is to become better with money. Many people think that means opening a savings account or investing, but in reality, you can utilise services (like those we offer at The AA) to help protect you and others as you plan for the year ahead.

Whether you're getting ready to travel more, learn a new hobby or try something out of your comfort zone, it helps to be protected. Let's look at some common resolutions and how The AA can help!

I Want To Travel More

2023 is the year you're finally going on that BIG holiday. You've put it off long enough now, and nothing will stop you. That is, of course, unless flights can are cancelled, bags are lost, or you potentially have an accident and get a fright from medical bills. For anyone doing a big holiday, think about getting simple cover with AA travel insurance. If it is 100% the case you're doing one big holiday abroad, single trip insurance is your best friend.

Now, if you're thinking of taking more weekend breaks where you jet off to the likes of London, Paris, Amsterdam etc, you would benefit from getting multi-trip travel insurance. It provides cover for a whole year, so you don't have to think about looking up insurance every single time you're flying.

I Want To See More of Ireland

Keeping things domestic, we often forget just how nice our country is. We're practically spoiled with what's on our doorstep, and yet, most people would have difficulty knowing if they've been to every county in Ireland.

If you're set on seeing more of the country this year, it most likely means you'll spend more time in your car as you scoot around seeing the sights. That means it is the ideal time to think about becoming an AA member.

I want to get the house done up

These last few weeks off, have you been staring at the walls in a literal sense, thinking of all the things you could do to make rooms looks a little fresher? Whether it's a lick of paint or a complete overhaul of furniture, home insurance is the best form of protection. And if you're looking to get all odd jobs sorted out, look at what AA home membership provides with things like boiler cover. Again, a little protection here & there can save you a lot in the long run.